Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Apartment Sweet Apartment

After four years of living in a freshman dorm (one as a resident, three as an RA), I have finally graduated to the world of college apartments.  While it was a big step for me, I'm kinda cheating because I'm still on-campus housing.  Nevertheless, I was very excited to leave my hot pink and teal bedroom days behind me-- (very "Elle Woods goes to college", cute at the time but not exactly timeless) ;).  

I spent the better part of the summer crafting and traipsing up and down the aisles of Hobby Lobby, Home Goods, Marshalls, TJ Maxx, and Target looking for things that would match each room and more importantly, sales!  This was what I came up with... 

My room:

Living Room:



I ended my summer with a much smaller balance in my bank account, and an apartment that I absolutely love.  I may still live on campus and require my mama to come help me set up my new place, but I'm growing up-- more and more each day.  It's equally exciting and scary, but at least I know that I'll have a place to call home (and in a few short weeks 3 roomies to come home to!) :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Baby You're A Firework

So yesterday was the 4th of July-- aka one of the best holidays of the year.  It's an opportunity to make delicious food, dress cute, watch baseball (and baseball players), and fireworks.  What more can a girl ask for, right?  I decided to celebrate this year by having some of my friends over to cookout before we went to the Tobs game to see the game and fireworks.  

For the cookout I was in charge of dessert (shocking, right?)  I opted for fruit kebabs and cupcakes-- homemade funfetti... I named them Amerifetti. :) 

I bought this Lilly dress two months ago-- the only way I was able to justify buying it was that I could wear it on the 4th!  :)

We celebrated like any college students would-- with temporary tattoos and bubbles!

The firework show was amazing and the Tobs won!  Collectively, it was an awesome 4th of July spent with amazing friends.  Hopefully you celebrated this wonderful country in an equally festive way!