Saturday, March 24, 2012

The sweet and sassy life

When people say preppy, it's normally thought of as being a bad thing.  Polo shirts and stuck up country club kids come to mind and people turn up their noses and want nothing to do with them.  But as a girl who has always loved the finer things in life-- I can tell you that it can't be helped.  

My mama didn't send me to prep school or give me designer clothes in elementary school, but I always knew what I liked and that couldn't be helped.  I liked dressing up and matching everything with accessories, and like every southern girl, I loved my monograms.  While I was never encouraged to dress or act one way or another, I always tended toward the more "fancy" side of things.  When I was four years old I told mama "We just aren't the mother/daughter matching type because I just dressed fancier" than her.  

As I've grown up I've naturally changed-- now I shop at J. Crew and Loft instead of American Eagle and Aeropostale, but I'm still a little too sassy for my own good.  Preppy, classy, or conservative-- call it what you will.  The words have different meanings for everyone but for me it's just who I am, and I couldn't change it if I wanted to.  

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